Identifying Crop Maturity Indices (TLE10 AFA ACP QUARTER 4 MODULE 1)

Subject: TLE AFA Agriculture Crop Production

Grade Level: 10 

Quarter 4 Module 1 Lesson 1

Identifying Crop Maturity Indices

Maturity is the stage at which a crop is harvestable.

 Maturity index is an observable indication or sign that a particular crop is already matured or ready for harvest.

Methods of determining maturity

1.       Visual Method –

Skin color- Matured fruit losses its deep green color and develop yellow, red or purple color.

Fruit size and shape - Some vegetables will reach a certain size which can be used as index for optimum time for harvest.

2.       “Feel” Method- This method is done mainly by touch of the fingers with respect to firmness, crispness and sound.

3.       Chemical analysis- This is used mainly for fruits wherein the starch content, sugar content, acidity and soluble solids/acid ratio are measured.

4.       Physical means- Use of pressure tester. This is used to measure the softness of a fruit and may also be applied to snap beans.

5.       Computation method- Days from planting to harvesting. Days from flowering to harvesting

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TLE AFA ACP 10 Quarter 4 Module 1



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